Tag Archives: emotional

Navigating Emotional Fluctuations in a Relationship

  The dynamics of emotional swings and balance in a relationship can significantly impact the overall connection and intrigue between partners. Here are some strategies often used to rock a girl a little on the emotional swing: 1) Dropping Off the Radar: – Approach: Intentionally not communicating or being unavailable …

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How Autogenic Meditation Works and Instantly Improves the Emotional State

Autogenic Meditation Or to put it simply, visualization is a form of relaxation and stress reduction technique that involves focusing on bodily sensations and mental states to achieve a state of calm and relaxation. It is a self-guided practice that can be done anywhere, anytime. To practice autogenic meditation, one …

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  1. You just can’t say ‘no’ to anyone without feeling guilty. You care too much and love too much. 2. You cry when you’re alone but you don’t tell anyone because you’re afraid of what people would think of you. 3. You’re quick to think that everyone is a …

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Types of Intelligence

  There are many different theories of intelligence and different ways of categorizing the types of intelligence. Here are some common types: Intellectual Intelligence Intellectual intelligence, also known as cognitive intelligence, refers to a person’s general mental ability to learn, reason, and solve problems. It is often measured by intelligence …

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