Life tips

How to attract good luck and love into your life?

Attracting good luck and love into your life is a desire shared by many.  Affirmation is a very powerful tool in shifting  one’s mindset and attracting positive experiences. By repeating them every morning, you are setting a positive intention for the day. In addition to affirmations, there are other practices …

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Why Do Some Men Sleep Immediately After S£X

Some men may feel tired or sleepy after s3x due to a combination of physiological and psychological factors. Physiologically, the release of hormones like oxytocin and prolactin during s3x can induce feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. Additionally, the physical exertion involved in s3xual activity can also contribute to feeling tired. …

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Fear of relationships – where from and how to get rid of

  The fear of relationships can stem from various sources, such as past traumatic experiences, fear of vulnerability, fear of rejection, or a lack of trust in others. It can manifest as a reluctance to form close connections, a fear of intimacy, or a tendency to keep people at a …

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How do mindsets and stereotypes affect our lives?

  Mindsets and stereotypes have a profound impact on our lives. They shape our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, influencing how we perceive ourselves and others. These mental frameworks can either limit or empower us, depending on whether they are positive or negative. One way in which mindsets and stereotypes affect …

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General weight loss plan for people

Below are a general weight loss plan for people: 1. Calorie intake: The key to weight loss is creating a calorie deficit, meaning consuming fewer calories than the body burns. A safe and sustainable rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week, which translates to a daily calorie deficit …

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1,Women are attracted to men who work with their hands-who can make basic fixes without needing help. 2,Making a high-level eye contact is a skill. It determines the importance of the person you’re in conversation with. Research says that gazing into another’s eyes leads people to feel increased love. 3,Speaking …

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  1. Aspiration. You may want to achieve a lot in life, but you must strive to find an opportunity to achieve something. Think about why many of the people around you have nothing? Yes, because they do not have enough desire to win. ⠀ 2. Selecting a goal. Whatever …

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Life’s Challenges: Where is God in the Midst of Tragedy?

Story By Marilyn Adamson Ever ask, “God where are you?” What exactly can you count on God for? To what degree can we rely on God to help us? Is He really someone we can turn to at all…in times of crisis as well as times of calm? Who is …

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8 rules to help you succeed

  1️. Rule 80/20 (Pareto principle)⠀ 80 percent of all the income you receive comes from only 20 percent of your activities. A lot of what you do isn’t really as necessary as you think.⠀ 2️. Parkinson’s law You can do what you need much faster than you think. The …

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