Gilbert Kwame Adjei Tannor’s experience with the Sekondi Regional Police Service, particularly the DOVVSU unit, was nothing short of distressing. On the 19th of March 2024, Gilbert received an invitation to the Sekondi Regional Office, DOVVSU Unit, following a complaint lodged by his ex-wife, Mildred Sherry Adablah. What unfolded during his visit left him deeply perturbed and dissatisfied.
Treatment at the DOVVSU Unit:
Gilbert expressed his dismay at the negligent treatment he received upon arrival at the DOVVSU Unit. He highlighted that the official handling his case seemed disinterested in reading his statement regarding the charges brought against him by his ex-wife.
Feeling disregarded, Gilbert reminded the authorities of his presence, an action that apparently angered the woman in charge. Subsequently, he was unjustly detained from morning until 6 pm on the same day as he struggled to secure bail.
His efforts to secure bail were met with intimidation towards the individual he sought help from, further complicating his situation.
In a distressing turn of events, Gilbert had to endure a prolonged wait for assistance to relieve himself, as there was allegedly no male officer available to accompany him. This led to a significant delay before he could attend to his basic needs.
Gilbert also mentioned feeling stifled when trying to communicate or respond to inquiries, as he was constantly instructed to remain silent by the authorities.
Engagement with External Authorities:
Faced with these unfavourable circumstances, Gilbert reached out to the Ghana Police through their Facebook page, seeking intervention and support. The responsive and positive feedback he received from this contact provided him with some reassurance amid his ordeal.
Incidents Leading to the DOVSU Unit Invitation:
The ex-wife (Mildred Sherry Adablah) and Gilbert Kwame Adjei Tannor got married on the 6th of December 2016. Their first child was born on the 20th of September 2017, and they named her Rachel Akua Amoafowa Tannor in honour of Gilbert’s late grandmother, Obaapanyin Akua Amoafowa Tannor.”
On the 5th of March 2019, a second child, a boy named Jehoshaphat Leo Kwabena Tannor, was welcomed into the family. He was named after Gilbert’s late uncle, Leo Kwabena Tannor. Sometime in June 2019, Mr Gilbert resigned from the position of full-time pastor at Lighthouse Chapel International at Nkawie in the Ashanti Region of Ghana . Mr Gilbert returned home to be with his ex-spouse in Asankrangwa, where they resided as a married couple with their children. Issues within the marital relationship arose in October and November 2020. By December 2020, the ex-spouse communicated the decision to send the children to Takoradi for Christmas celebrations with their grandparents. Unbeknownst to the individual, there was a plan in place to prevent the children from returning to Asankrangwa.
In January, following an announcement by President Nana Akuffo Addo regarding the resumption of school, the ex-partner informed Mr. Gilbert that their children would attend school in Takoradi. Prior to this, there were discussions about the possibility of the children attending Mr Gilbert’s aunt newly established school, which was met with opposition. Upon learning of the ex-partner’s decision to educate the children in Takoradi, Mr Gilbert expressed financial concerns due to his unemployment status.
On the 13th of March 2021, the ex-partner arrived with family members, including her father, abusuapanyin, and other relatives, to return Gilbert’s ring and drinks, culminating in a divorce at Asankrangwa in the presence of all family members. Subsequently, the individual remained unemployed until he recently secured a teaching position at a school in Asankrangwa on March 11th, 2024, and subsequently got married on 16th March 2024.
Following this, Mr. Gilbert received a letter from the Sekondi Regional Police Service, DOVVSU unit, summoning him to appear on the 13th of March 2024. Upon arrival at the DOVVSU unit, Gilbert was informed of a complaint lodged against him by the ex-partner at the Regional Police Service DOVVSU unit in Sekondi, necessitating his presence on Tuesday, the 19th of March 2024.
In conclusion, Gilbert Kwame Adjei’s experience sheds light on the challenges and frustrations individuals may face when dealing with legal proceedings and law enforcement agencies. His narrative underscores the importance of fair treatment, effective communication, and respect for individuals’ basic rights within such interactions.
For details, call the victim at 0242178246