Tag Archives: women

Adultery Laws: Why Women Are Gatekeepers of S3x

Adultery is defined as sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than their spouse. In many cultures and legal systems, adultery is considered a serious offense. The laws on adultery vary from country to country. In some countries, adultery is a crime, while in others it is a …

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Which sexual positions are considered safe and comfortable for pregnant women?

When it comes to sex positions during pregnancy, it’s important to consider the comfort and safety of both the pregnant woman and her partner. Generally, most sex positions are safe for pregnant women, as long as there are no medical complications or restrictions advised by the healthcare provider. However, there …

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Watch Out for Signs of Female Infertility

  Endometriosis, fallopian tube blocks, and hormonal imbalances can all cause female infertility. If your periods are irregular, painful, or totally absent, it is a red flag. So are thick cervical mucus, abnormal uterine bleeding, pain during or after sex, intense fatigue during periods, and chronic pain in your pelvis, …

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  If you are hoping to conceive, you may have questions about your fertility and how to improve it. While some factors, like medical issues, are beyond your control, your lifestyle choices can also affect your fertility. Here is what you need to know to promote and protect your fertility. …

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