Tag Archives: date

How to behave on a first date

  In order for the first date not to be the last, you need to understand a few simple rules 1. Stay confident It’s okay to be nervous on a first date. Acting confident, being yourself is the surest way to look natural. 2. Dress appropriately Usually on a first …

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some creative ideas for a first date after texting for a while

  1. Go on a picnic: Pack a basket with your favourite snacks and drinks, and head to a nearby park or beach. Enjoy each other’s company while surrounded by nature. 2. Attend a virtual event: Many events have moved online. Find a virtual concert, comedy show, or cooking class …

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The main mistake on a date

  A few people have already lamented meeting guys like this and, naturally, they never saw each other again. So, what scares away the hotties?  Talking only about how cool you are. And no, it’s not the talk about how you graduated with honors, it’s the ones where you talk …

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