Sounds scary to many people! There is a certain % of people who can’t say no to another person. Which directly affects themselves.☝🏻

Well, many people are literally ridden by friends, acquaintances, and relatives. They are always trying to please others.

Psychology calls it – pleasing the other. That is not a good thing, because constantly trying to please others, carries negative consequences.

In fact, you always have the right to refuse someone’s request. Unless the task is your responsibility, unless you have made promises, you have the right to refuse the person.

Trust me, it will be for your own good! Needless worries, stress and other consequences will simply fall away. Internal balance and peace will appear.

You can help, but within reason.

I put a thought in your head, all you have to do is think about it.

About admin

PAZION MEDIA is a news and media platform that seeks to sensitize, conscientize, inform, educate, promote businesses and entertain. The owner, Prince Ayerakwa is an approachable, pragmatic and sharp-witted graduate who is always conscious of his environment, and he is dedicated to giving meaningful and well-informed information on a timely basis. The hallmark of this media platform is giving readers "CR4" information. That is Credible, Regular, Relevant, Realistic and Reliable Information. He believes that service to humanity is our greatest task on earth. Send your stories through WhatsApp at 0546163213 or email (

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